7 Reasons To Have a Guest Speaker At Your Next Corporate Event 

Let’s paint the scene: your next big corporate event is coming up. Your event team is crossing things off their event checklist by choosing the venue and finalizing the conference date. You have the catering figured out, and the schedule is starting to come together as you get ready to launch your event.  

But you’re just missing one thing to bring a sense of anticipation to the event for your attendees. The idea of having someone within the company speaking at the event is an everyday occurrence in the workplace, just on a larger scale—not a very unique experience. 

So, what’s missing? How can you entice your team members to rally up the crew and head to the event without feeling a sense of complacency? This is when booking an exceptional guest speaker comes into play. If you want a corporate event that drives employee engagement and boosts the attendance rate, the right guest speaker can make that happen!  

Shake things up a bit at your next corporate event by hiring a guest speaker, here’s why you should! 

Increase Attendance Rate 

What better way to encourage your employees to attend the event than with an exciting guest speaker? Give them something to look forward to and build up the anticipation around the keynote speaker feature. Offer your employees something they don’t normally get back at the office. Having the incentive to go to the event and experience what the guest speaker has to offer will be a one-time thing available only for attendees.  

Drive New Perspectives 

With a guest speaker, they’ll be able to share inspirational insights from a brand-new perspective. These lessons and viewpoints gained from the speaker will add to improving employee performance through enrichment events such as these. Having a different view on a situation, mission, or concept can drive inspiration and spark motivation by looking at things in a new light. This is a great way to boost creativity and gain new ideas from an expert source.  

Provide Credibility 

Another benefit of bringing in a guest speaker is being able to add credibility to your corporate event. Hiring a well-known or established keynote speaker makes your event more credible to sponsors and attendees with their industry expertise. When you choose a guest speaker that aligns with your company mission and event goals, you can reinforce that with a great speech that ties everything together. Elevate your workforce by connecting with them in a way that backs up the message you want to convey and the theme of your corporate event. 

Motivate Attendees 

Guest speakers are an excellent way to add motivational content to your corporate event. These speakers often have done countless talks that put motivation at the forefront. With a mix of motivational tools such as inspirational stories, words of wisdom, and new mindsets, a guest speaker who’s also incorporating their industry expertise can work wonders for motivating your employees. It allows attendees to leave the event with a renewed sense of passion and excitement for their industry with new ways to enhance their skills.  

Boost Engagement  

This is where your event can get ramped up with a guest speaker to create that interactive element of the conference. The last thing you want is for your guests to feel apathetic and bored with your corporate event. Having a guest speaker that can connect with the audience drives employee engagement both at the event and back into the workplace. An incredible keynote speaker will do crowd work by asking questions, getting volunteers, and making their speech feel less like a lecture and more like a collaborative effort.  

Create a Sense of Community 

At a corporate event, there’s a special opportunity to connect numerous departments and have them work toward a shared goal. When their only previous connection was limited, now is the time to really build those connections across the company. A guest speaker can help foster connections and bring these departments together for a renewed sense of community. Keynote speakers are very skilled at bringing people together, and that includes employees from all across your company from all positions.  

Show Appreciation  

By booking a guest speaker for your company’s corporate event, you’re ensuring that your employees have something great to look forward to. Show your appreciation for your team members by treating them to an incredible opportunity to gain knowledge from the industry expertise a keynote speaker can provide. This lets your employees know you’re invested in helping them grow and motivates them to be the best version of themselves they can be. Career development is important to your employees, they’ll appreciate the effort to help them along the way.  

Make Your Next Corporate Event the Best One Yet 

As a company leader, it’s essential to set the tone for the rest of the employees by organizing engaging corporate events that really make an impact on your team. Replace monotony with excitement by booking a guest speaker with industry expertise and motivational tools to connect with the audience on a deeper level. The goal is to have your employees leave the event with a new ideas and insights to apply to their current role to eventually grow their career with the skills learned. Having a guest speaker can pull your event together and make it an unforgettable experience for everyone who attends.  

Whether your next corporate event is in-person, virtual, or hybrid, you can book a guest speaker to take your event to the next level. Now all you need is an event production crew to make all of your event goals a reality. Our team at Reimagined Experiences can make it happen! We’ll create a customized plan to captivate your audience and engage your attendees well beyond the close of the event. 

To learn more about how we can reimagine your next corporate event, visit our website and book a discovery call with us to get started! 

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