How To Create the Best Onboarding Experience for an Intergenerational Workforce 

It’s more important than ever to start focusing on crafting an onboarding experience for an intergenerational workforce. Right now, in the current workforce, four different generations are learning to work together across the globe. Each generation has its own way of communicating and preferences in how they perform their day-to-day job tasks. 

Everyone in this evolving intergenerational workforce has their own ethics, philosophies, and work skills. This leaves companies with the task of creating a work environment where everyone can thrive together. Nearly 70% of organizations say leading the intergenerational workforce is imperative to their success. However, only 10% are ready and prepared to do so. 

As a leader or HR professional, it’s essential to craft an onboarding experience that encourages collaboration among employees with their different types of work styles for each generation. First, let’s cover the different types of work styles based on how each generation approaches their workplace and career mindsets. Then we’ll provide tips for implementing a new onboarding experience that caters to the intergenerational workforce. 

Different Types of Work Styles by Generation 

Baby Boomers 

The Baby Boomer generation covers anyone who was born between 1946 to 1964. This generation has likely been working anywhere from 20 to 30 years. They know how the onboarding process works and have probably been through it more than once. They’re goal-oriented and appreciate clear expectations, so they know exactly what their job entails. They prefer face-to-face meetings rather than emails or video calls. Think of Baby Boomers as having more traditional values overall.  

Gen X 

The Gen X generation includes those born between 1965 to 1980. This generation grew up with computers but might not be as tech-savvy as younger generations. They do like face-to-face interactions like Baby Boomers but are open to digital forms of communication too. Gen X prefers more self-guided training processes but are receptive to new approaches. They thrive on workplace stability and recognition


Millennials are the generation of people who were born between 1981 to 1996. This generation is highly tech-savvy and prefers engaging with digital platforms. Traditional onboarding practices don’t work well for this generation. They crave innovation, flexibility, and creativity. However, they’re eager to learn, appreciate feedback, and will be loyal to a job if they feel valued. Employee satisfaction is key for Millennials. Otherwise, they’ll be looking elsewhere for a more fulfilling position.  

Gen Z 

And finally, the youngest working generation, anyone born between 1997 to 2012, is considered Gen Z. This generation never experienced a world without the internet or cell phones, so they are very adaptable to all communication platforms. Gen Z employees seek instant gratification and easy-to-access information on their mobile devices. They prefer short communication styles and thrive in a remote work environment. This generation embraces diversity and inclusion as they’re always seeking new experiences and mindsets. 

Encourage an Inclusive Onboarding Experience 

When it comes time to put together an onboarding experience for an intergenerational workforce, while knowing what motivates each generation is beneficial, finding common ground is equally as important. Having an onboarding experience that’s inclusive to all generations plays to all of their unique strengths and celebrates that. Let’s look at some ways you can create the ideal onboarding experience for an intergenerational workforce. 

Get Rid of Age Stereotypes 

We’ve all seen the TikToks and Instagram Reels that compare each generation playing into the stereotypes of each one. Thinking of each generation, no matter which one it is, some form of age stereotypes will come into play. Instead, use the onboarding experience to educate new hires about the benefits of generational diversity. This is where your company can demonstrate that they appreciate the skills and values each generation brings to the table. 

Foster Collaboration 

One of the most significant advantages of an intergenerational workforce is encouraging collaboration among employees. Creating a two-way mentoring system for your onboarding experience allows all generations to embrace their perspectives and share their expertise with each other. This also facilitates internal training initiatives where more experienced employees share knowledge with new team members. Provide opportunities for collaboration among employees with shared workspaces and team-bonding activities. 

Provide Training and Coaching Sessions 

Create a customized learning plan to include in your company’s onboarding experience. This can range from various training and coaching sessions that explore generational diversity and find ways to understand each other. This should cover soft skills training for employees such as: 

  • Time management 
  • Emotional intelligence 
  • Conflict resolution 
  • Project management 
  • Active listening 
  • Leadership training 
  • Problem-solving  
  • Teamwork strategies 
  • Critical thinking 

Customize the onboarding experience with your intergenerational workforce in mind. Encourage multi-generational awareness through training, coaching, seminars, and sessions on these topics. Set your team up for success by providing them with the resources needed. 

Incorporate Video into The Onboarding Experience 

Putting together the best onboarding experience for an intergenerational workforce means knowing how each generation approaches their work. Different generations have become accustomed to specific ways of doing things, but that doesn’t mean you can’t provide training and coaching to get everyone on the same page. One of the best ways to enhance the onboarding experience for a multi-generational team is through video.  

Level up your onboarding and training for new employee orientation by helping them get up to speed with immersive videos. Introduce them to your company culture and values with welcome videos. Creative onboarding videos are engaging and effective across an intergenerational workforce. If your organization is ready to incorporate video into its onboarding experience, our expert team at Reimagined Experiences is here to help! 

Learn more about how we can create and incorporate videos to engage, educate and entertain your new hires. Contact us to schedule your free 30-minute discovery call. Let’s collaborate on making your onboarding experience better than ever! 

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